Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Losing an Hour

4 “Show me, Lord, my life’s end
and the number of my days;
let me know how fleeting my life is.
5 You have made my days a mere handbreadth;
the span of my years is as nothing before you.
Everyone is but a breath,
even those who seem secure.  Psalm 89: 4-5

Daylight Savings Time began last weekend, and I’m still trying to adjust. Losing an hour sounds like it shouldn’t be a deal, but my body is still struggling to get used to waking up while it is still very dark.

I’ve been thinking about that this week. Losing an hour is something I complained about over the weekend. And then my phone gave me this screen time report update. Wow. I was surprised at how much time it said I spent on my phone over the last week.

Time is such a precious commodity, and yet I am not always careful with it. It is easy to lose track of time when I’m doing something I enjoy - like reading a book on one of my phone's e-reader apps. And I know we all need some of that down time to relax and de-stress. But I know there are times when I don’t devote myself to deliberately using my time productively.

At school, I am very mindful of the minutes I have with my students, and I try to do my best to make sure I use those minutes well. I try to have materials organized, copies made, technology set up, and my lessons all prepped and ready to go, so that as soon as the students enter the room we can focus on their learning.

But once the school day is done, I don’t maintain that same mindset. And I’m feeling this week like God is reminding me to use my time wisely! We often praise students for using their time well at school, and I’ve had many conversations with students and their parents over the years about improving the use of time given to work at school.  But I'm afraid this is an area where I could be marked "Needs Improvement."

The Psalmist asked God to show him just how fleeting his life was. In all our busy-ness and our schedules full of various activities, it is easy to lose track of the time God has given us. We don’t know what tomorrow holds, and I want to live each day focused on those things which are truly important for eternity. But I am very easily distracted.

So today I am praying this prayer from Psalm 89 - that God would help me to remember how short life really is - so that I can remember to use my time to do what I can do to honor Him. I don’t want to lose an hour that I could be using for His glory, but I may need you to help remind me!

God, help us remember how precious our time is -- how limited it is. Help us to be more deliberate with our time so that we can further Your kingdom and bring You glory. Grow in us the desire to spend our time with You and Your Word so that we can be more useful to You while we’re on this earth.  Give us Your wisdom as we make decisions about how to use the time You give us.

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