Monday, December 17, 2018

Is God Like Santa?

8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10

This time of year the kids are so excited! They are counting down the days until Christmas. The anticipation is thick in the air, and the children are trying to do their best to be good. The “Elf on the Shelf” was not a tradition I grew up with. I have to say, I am seriously impressed with the antics that some of these elves come up with. I’m not sure I could be so creative! Even though there was no Elf sitting around my house when I was young, I do remember being told that I needed to be good, or Santa wouldn’t bring me any presents.

Sometimes, I think we believe God is like Santa Claus. He is always watching, and He knows everything we do -- good or bad. But I think there is a tendency to also feel like I have to be good for God to bless me. And if something bad happens in my life, then it must be because God is giving me what I deserve because of my sins. I think it is tempting to pray to God with my wish list and ask Him to give me, give me, give me, and then work really hard to try to earn His favor so that I, hopefully, get everything on my list.

But God is so different from Santa Claus. Yes, He is omniscient, and yes, He is always with us, but He is not weighing out our actions on a scale to determine if we earn a blessing from Him. God is perfectly holy, and none of us could ever meet His standards of perfect holiness on our own. We are sinners. But that doesn’t mean that God withholds His blessings. In fact, that’s the very definition of grace: favor that we do not deserve.

There is nothing in the Bible that says you can earn God’s grace -- if you could, then it wouldn’t be grace anymore. God wants us to do good things. God works in us to bring about good things. But He chooses to work things together for His glory and our good, even when we fail.

Christmas is the ultimate act of God’s grace - He sent Jesus to earth to take the punishment we deserved so that by believing in Him, we could receive the gift of eternal life. Through the perfect blood of Jesus and our faith in Him, we can receive righteousness that we could never earn.

Yes, God wants us to be obedient, but He knows the choices we will make before we even make them. And He is always there to pick us up, dust us off, and forgive us completely when we fall to temptation. And what’s even more amazing is how He can even turn our failures around and use them for good! Even things that are really hard, things that are definitely not on our wish list -- God uses those to shape us and to help us know Him better and make us more like Jesus.

I think there are many children who understand that there will be gifts under their tree come Christmas morning regardless of how they behaved all year. As parents, we don’t withhold the presents, even though we know our kids weren’t perfect all year. We love them, and we want to give them good gifts. How much more does our Heavenly Father love us? How much more was He willing to give?

Thank You, God, for Your gift of grace! Thank You for giving Jesus to die for us so that we can be forgiven and righteous before You. Forgive us for treating You like Santa Claus. Help us to rest in Your grace and to trust You more to fulfill Your purposes in our lives.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Giving Our Worship

11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11

Christmas time at school can definitely be challenging -- especially on party day! But year after year I am always humbled by the gifts brought in for me from my students. I do not expect Christmas gifts from my students, but every year there are some families who are so kind to think of me when buying gifts.

I have received some very special gifts over the years -- some have been used up long ago, but some are the keepsake kind that are precious reminders of students I’ve had in the past. I know it is probably not easy for these families to try to buy an appropriate and thoughtful gift for their children’s teachers, but they do it anyway - sometimes even when asked not to!

Some gifts are just harder to find. I know there are people on my list that are hard to buy for. Usually, that’s because they don’t really need anything, and they often buy what they want for themselves, too! Or sometimes it’s just because I don’t know them all that well to know what they need or what they would like.

Imagine what it would have been like for these wise men who came from the East to see the new baby who would be King. What do you bring to give to the Son of God Himself!? We know they brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These were very expensive gifts fit for a king, for sure. But they also gave Him something else that I think we often overlook: their worship.

Truthfully, I think their worship was probably the part that pleased God the most. Don’t you? The fact that they traveled such a long distance, following the star that appeared in the sky, to see this new King and to worship Him humbles me.

Often, when I think of worship, I usually think of singing at church with other believers. But worship is so much more than that! Here, we see the wise men bowing before the baby and presenting Him precious, expensive gifts. They brought the best they could bring. I think that’s what I want to remember this week: I want to be giving the best I can bring to God. I want to use my talents, gifts, and resources for Him.

Jesus deserves all my worship. He has done so much for me. He is my perfect, holy, gracious, loving Savior who gave Himself for me. I know that I go to worship services every week, and I try to give my whole self to that time. But what about the rest of the week?
Paul says in Romans 6:13: “Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.”

This month, as we count down to Christmas Day, I want to give Jesus more of my worship. I want to honor Him with my words, my actions, my attitude, and my songs. I think that is a gift that pleases Him.

Lord Jesus, thank You for all You've done for us and all You continue to do each day.  Help us to know how we can honor You.  We want to worship You and give You our best today and every day. Teach us how!

For Small Groups:Do you have a special memory of a precious gift from a student? What made that gift so special? How can we follow that example in giving to others and in giving to God?

Monday, December 3, 2018

Memorial Stones

4 So Joshua called together the twelve men he had appointed from the Israelites, one from each tribe, 5 and said to them, “Go over before the ark of the Lord your God into the middle of the Jordan. Each of you is to take up a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, 6 to serve as a sign among you. In the future, when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ 7 tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever.” Joshua 4:4-7

I put my Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving this year. I love the Christmas tree! It’s twinkling lights, sparkling ornaments, and fluffy greenery combine into a feast for my eyes. I have so many ornaments that are tightly connected to special memories.

I was noticing this year just how many of my ornaments have been given to me. Many have been gifts from students, and I love hanging them each year and remembering the time spent with those 5th graders. Some were gifts from family and are full of precious memories of Christmases of my childhood. Some ornaments were given by close friends old and new, each with their own special stories. And, of course, there are many ornaments from my own children hanging on that tree, too.

I have many ornaments that are just sparkle and shine on my tree. And I have my share of Santas and snowmen and reindeer, too. But many of my ornaments, I noticed this year, are stars and angels and manger scenes. I am drawn to those because they help me remember why I celebrate Christmas.

I also have a special ornament that was given by my church last year that holds a thorn, a nail, and a small piece of wood with some white sand. These are to remind me of the footprints Jesus left as he walked this earth in human flesh, the cross he bore, the crown of thorns he wore while on it, and the nails that pierced his flesh and held him to it. All so that I could know eternal life and be given His righteousness. The greatest gift of all time came to us at Christmas in the form of a tiny baby laid in a manger.

In this scripture passage from Joshua, Joshua gives instructions to twelve Israelite men. They are each to take a stone from the middle of the Jordan River (which they could do because God miraculously cut off the water flow for the people to cross over during a time of high water). They are to set these stones up to help them remember what God had done for them. And they are to teach their children when they ask about these stones that God went before them that day.

I need to make some of these memorial stones for myself, I think. Visual reminders of God’s provision and grace placed strategically to help me remember and to help me to teach my children and others around me. God has done so much for me! And I so quickly forget.

So this year at Christmas, I’m going to do my best to remember what it’s really about. I’ve hung this memorial ornament front and center to start. I have set out the nativity scene center stage in our living room. I am going to purposely place reminders in my home and in my classroom to trigger my memory and even spark conversations about how God gave His only Son for me.

I realize that the holiday season is often difficult for many people because of all the memories -- especially for those who have lost those dearest to them. Sometimes it’s hard to remember. If you are in that situation, I pray that you will be comforted by sweet memories and by our loving God who sees your pain.

This time of year can often be a difficult time in the classroom with children who are so excited about Christmas and whose routines are interrupted by special events and activities. But through it all, I want to remember the reason for all the celebrations -- the birth of my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!

Lord Jesus, thank You for humbling Yourself and coming to earth in human flesh so that You could take the punishment for my sin. Thank You for taking the cross for me. Help me to always remember!

For Small Groups:
Do you have a special tradition, decoration, or other habit that helps you to remember what God has done for you? Share a favorite with your group!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Shine Like Stars

14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.
  Phillipians 2: 14-15

I have always been completely awestruck by the night sky. We live far enough away from any large cities (or small towns, even!) that you can get a pretty good view of the stars on a cloudless night. I don’t often take the time to do this, but I could stand under a clear, star-filled sky for quite some time, just gazing at the heavens and enjoying their beauty.

One of the things that captivates me is something I used to teach my fifth graders in our science lessons on the solar system. It takes eight minutes for light from the sun to reach earth, which is a bit of delay, for sure, but the stars that we see at night are so much farther away. The light that we see in the night sky from these stars have a much longer delay. In fact, it is possible that we could see the light from a star tonight even though that star has “burned out” quite some time ago.

There is no doubt that the stars in the sky are brilliant lights to be able to be seen from so far away. They are beautiful. Even a little light from far, far away can make a difference in a dark sky.

Paul says in Phillipians 2: 14-15 that we should refuse to grumble or argue so that we can become blameless and pure and shine like stars in our world. So why is that so difficult to do? I find it most difficult to avoid grumbling and arguing at school. Maybe that’s because I spend so much time there! But I know my grumbling and arguing does not honor God, and if I’m honest, I also know that it is not helpful to myself or those around me, either.

I read a really insightful blog post this summer that was written for first-year teachers, but I thought it was applicable to everyone. It was written by Jennifer Gonzalez in August of 2013, and you can find it on the “cult of pedagogy” website: In this post, Gonzalez encourages new teachers to find people in their schools who have a positive influence on them -- people who encourage, support, and energize others, and to avoid people who have a negative outlook and influence -- people who grumble and complain and make you feel discouraged, insecure, and overwhelmed.

This article made me realize that I have an impact on those around me, and I want to be a positive one! Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs, in my opinion. There is always so much to do, and there are so many sources of pressure making it feel unbearable, at times. It is so easy to grumble and complain and be negative. The environment cultivates that.

But that negativity is not good for anyone. My co-workers need encouragement. They need support. They need energy. They need understanding and empathy and someone to lean on.

My students need those things, too. They need a place where they can feel accepted and appreciated, where they are excited to come each day.

So how do I manage to do everything without grumbling or arguing? I want to. I know it’s the best way, but how do I manage that?

I do not do this perfectly, for sure. Many, many times I fail and negative thoughts and words come spewing out. But here are some things I find that help me.

Fill up on God’s word. I have to post reminders - scriptures that I know I need to focus on - around my house and classroom. I have to spend some time each day reading the Bible and actually meditating on it, allowing it to soak in and really process it.

Avoid situations where negativity breeds. If you know the pre-meeting or post-meeting conversations always turn to gripe sessions, then don’t go early or hang around after. Sometimes, it is a certain person or group that needs to be avoided. Don’t sit with them at lunch or during a meeting or seek them out after school. I can’t always avoid, but I try to reduce the exposure because it is definitely contagious.

Remember to be thankful. Whenever I catch myself griping about someone or something, I try to right then think or say at least two reasons I am grateful for that thing or that person. Not always easy, but when I can manage it, this practice helps turn my negative thoughts around.

Be part of a solution. If something is really a problem that needs to be fixed, then do what you can do to try to actively solve that problem. We can’t always fix it, but I believe that if we spent as much time trying to come up with a solution as we do complaining, we would have a lot less to complain about.

Be empathetic. I try to put myself in the other person’s shoes. I am much less likely to complain about a student’s behavior when I understand more about his/her life. So sometimes I have to ask more questions when I am tempted to grumble or argue. What’s causing this behavior or attitude? I have more patience and kindness and grace for others when I can see the situation from their perspective.

Get enough rest. I am very prone to negativity when I am tired. (And if I’m also hungry, best to just throw me a snack and run away!)

Find the right audience. When I really do need to discuss something negative (I process things verbally!), I try to find the right person to talk to about it. Someone who will steer me back to a positive outlook and help me deal with the situation in a way that doesn’t drag anyone else down.

Father God, we want to shine like stars in our world. We want to be positive influences on all those around us. But it isn’t easy. Help us to be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit so that we can recognize when we are grumbling and arguing. Help us to renew our minds and think more like You. And forgive us for all the times we have failed.

For Small Groups:
What other tips do you have for staying positive? Are there any particular situations or people that create negativity in your mind that we can pray about? How can we help each other be more positive?

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thank You? I Guess?

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances;for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love gathering with family around a table of good food and having time to just visit with them. But I also love the whole idea behind Thanksgiving--a time to reflect and give God thanks for all His many blessings.

I have so many reasons to be thankful, but this time of year I really try to look at all God has done for me. I am thankful for my family. I love that my siblings and I all live close and get to spend time with each other fairly regularly. I am thankful for my parents and the influence they have been in my life and all the support they have given me over the years.

I am thankful that God answered my prayers and put my husband, Ben, in my life. I do not take for granted how much he does for me and our kids. I am thankful that he seeks to serve the Lord and to lead our family spiritually.

I am so grateful for my three healthy, active children! Yes, there are times when I’m so tired of running and doing laundry and buying groceries, but I know I am blessed with three terrific teenagers!

I am thankful for my job that I love so much. I have a job that I look forward to doing each day, and I have a strong purpose and a passion in my field. I know there are many who do not have that.

I am thankful for the gift of music and how God uses it in my life to encourage me and lift me up. I’m so grateful for opportunities to sing and the ability to do so.

I could go on and on and on.

But this verse challenges me to be thankful in all circumstances. Wait -- all? I’m supposed to be thankful for that particular challenging student? For that difficult parent? For a boss that is impossible to please? For a coworker who is really hard to work with?

Yes. I believe we are supposed to be thankful for those circumstances, as well. I believe that in each situation, God is working to either bless me or someone else. He is working to mold me and make me more like Jesus, or He is giving me an opportunity to grow my faith or the faith of someone else around me.

That challenging student forces me to rely on God and turn to Him in prayer for wisdom and guidance. When I am challenged, I understand that I can do nothing and that I need God every single day. Usually, my most difficult students are going through (or have been through) challenges themselves, and I have to depend on God to know how to be the best I can be for them. And I can be thankful for students that force me to spend more time with God.

That difficult parent gives me the opportunity to show the kind of grace that God has given me. God has poured out His grace for me over and over. I don’t deserve that. Difficult parents may not deserve that kind of treatment either, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t give it. They remind me of what I have received - forgiveness, mercy, love, grace -, and I can be thankful for that.

That boss that is impossible to please reminds me that I am not working to gain approval from men, but from God alone. (And no, I am not working for a boss like that right now!) It is easy for me to lose my focus in the day-to-day grind and to seek recognition from the wrong places. But when someone in my life is overly critical, I turn to God. Over and over again the Bible teaches us to humble ourselves, but sometimes I need help staying humble. So I can be thankful for those whom God puts in my life to help me with that.

That coworker that is hard to work with may be someone God has placed in my path so that I can minister to her. It may be that she is going through something really hard, and God wants to use me to encourage her and speak truth into her life. I can be thankful for an opportunity to be a blessing.

In each and every circumstance, God has a plan. Those people in your life that are so hard to be thankful for -- you may be on their list of things they’re thankful for. Each and every one of those difficult people is an opportunity to be a blessing. And even if they are never grateful for you, you can be thankful that God placed them in your life.

I know it’s not easy, and I do not always do it right, but I am going to try to be thankful in all circumstances, and not just Thursday. I want to have this heart full of gratitude all year round.

God, I know I often fail to thank You for all You’ve done for me. In fact, it is easy to complain about some situations in my life. Forgive me. Help me to do better. Remind me to be thankful for all You have done and also for all You are doing, even when I don’t understand or see the good in it. Thank You, Lord, for Your great love and patience with me, even when I fail to be grateful for Your many blessings.

For Small Groups
Share about a time in your past when you have experienced God’s blessings through a difficult circumstance. Someone else needs to hear your story!  

Monday, November 12, 2018

Avoiding the Pucker-Face

13 I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27: 13-14

I’ve been walking on my gravel road a lot the last few months. One day I noticed in a certain spot that there was some kind of fruit or nut in the road. I didn’t slow down enough to really examine it. I just made sure not to step on it as I walked!

As more of these began to appear in the road, I finally took a minute to really look at this fruit. Do you recognize it?

It’s a persimmon!

Have you ever eaten a persimmon? I’ll be honest: I have never been brave enough to try one. I’ve heard too many stories from people who have tried to eat a persimmon before it was completely ripe. My husband tells me that they are not too bad if they’re completely ripe, but if not, they are horribly, bitterly sour. So sour that people get a really good laugh at the expense of the one they’ve tricked into taking a bite!

In order to be able to enjoy a persimmon at all, you absolutely must wait until it is ripe. I’m told that the only way to be sure is to pick one up off the ground - not off the tree. You have to be patient and not rush the process.

Hm. Think there’s a lesson there? So many times in my life I have tried to rush the process instead of waiting for God’s perfect timing. I’m reminded of the story of Abram and Sarai in Genesis. God had promised them an heir, but they were well beyond child-bearing years. Genesis 12 says that Abram was 75 years old when God promised to make him into a great nation. (That would mean Sarai was 65, if you read ahead a bit.)

They waited 10 years for God to fulfill His promise, and then Sarai and Abram began to doubt. They began to think that God’s promise to Abram must have been to give him an heir through someone else, so Sarai gave her servant Hagar to Abram, and Hagar did indeed become pregnant and bore Abram a son, Ishmael. But this was not God’s promised heir, and it created many problems in their household. Sarai rushed ahead of God, and Abram went right along with her. The result was division and resentment in their household. (And later, much war and animosity between the descendants of Isaac and the descendants of Ishmael, the two sons of Abraham.)

Abraham (God’s new name for Abram) was 100 years old when Sarah (God’s new name for Sarai) gave birth to Isaac, Abraham’s promised heir. Did you do that math? God’s plan was for them to wait 25 years for this miracle. Twenty-five years is a very long time for us, but to God, it was just the right amount of time. Over those 25 years, God did many things in and through Abraham and Sarah. They learned God’s character and experienced His ways for 25 years before His promise was fulfilled.

It seems like we’re all waiting for something - no matter what stage of life we’re in. Someone is waiting to meet the one that will be their spouse. Someone is waiting for a full-time job. Someone is waiting for a baby. Someone is waiting for a promotion or a raise. Someone is waiting for healing. Someone is waiting for retirement. Someone is waiting for an opportunity to share a gift or talent. The list is endless, really.

I think there is a lesson to learn from the persimmon. Waiting is important. Yes, it’s hard. But I am completely convinced that God’s perfect timing, in His perfect wisdom, is worth the wait. I don’t want to get ahead of God and end up with a face puckered up from the extremely sour taste of my mistakes. I don’t want to do what Sarai did and create problems for myself and for those close to me. I want to trust God’s timing and His all-knowing goodness. I know that He has a plan that He will bring to pass. And if the time is not right for me to have that thing that I am waiting for, then I don’t want it yet. Not until it’s ripe and sweet so that I can enjoy it.

Father God, Help me to trust you completely. Guide me as I wait on Your timing. And while I wait, teach me more about who You are. Grant me Your wisdom to prevent me from rushing ahead of You. Remind me to look back and see how faithful You have always been.

For Small Groups:
Is there something you are waiting for that you would like others to pray about?
Do you have a personal experience to share about waiting on God’s timing? Someone else may really need to hear it!

Monday, November 5, 2018

School Pictures

22 But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; 24 for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. 25 But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does. James 1:22-25 NASB

A couple weeks ago, our school pictures were delivered. As a teacher, I have to have a school picture taken every year. There have been some years when I got that picture back and thought, “Why didn’t someone tell me to fix my hair!?” I have had pictures where there was a crazy curl going haywire and looking ridiculous. Once I had a necklace that wasn’t lying right. If someone would have just told me, I would have straightened these things up before the picture that captured it for all time!

Have you ever gotten to school and realized that you should have checked your reflection one more time before you left the house? You know, like, you only got your eye makeup on one eye. Or you got interrupted when you were curling your hair and forgot to go back and finish it? Maybe you’ve gotten to school and realized you buttoned up crooked, or your shoes are not a matching pair. These things happen to some people, I’m told! But if you had checked your reflection and noticed one of these problems, it would be absurd to think that you would walk away without fixing the blunder.

That is what James is talking about in this passage about hearing and doing. When we understand a truth from God’s word, we shouldn’t walk away and not put that truth into practice.

I’m certain that every single teacher has experienced the frustration of a student who hears just fine, but never listens. Recently, I experienced this at home with one of my sons. I was speaking to him, giving him instructions about the plans for the day, and he was walking away. When I stopped him and asked if he was listening he said he was. But when I asked him to repeat the instructions I’d just uttered, he couldn’t. He had no idea what I had said. Now, he heard my voice, don’t misunderstand. But he was not listening. He did not allow my words into his conscious thoughts to process them and remember them. There was no way he could do what I said later.

How do I know a student or family member or coworker is really listening to me? One way I know for sure that they were listening is if that person does what I said to do. If he follows my instructions, I know without a doubt that he not only heard me, but he was really listening. His actions prove it. And that’s how James says it should be when we hear a word from God. Our actions will prove if we were really listening.

It’s really not enough to read the Bible if I don’t allow it to change me. I can hear a lifetime of sermons, but gain nothing from them. I must not only hear the word, but truly listen and do what it says.

As a teacher, I am used to being the one talking and delivering that oh so important information. I don’t practice listening as much as I do talking! And I know I need to improve my listening skills. I’m positive that God agrees! I know I need to do a better job of listening intently for His voice and then doing whatever it is I heard from Him.

Father, thank you for Your patience with me and my inattentiveness to Your voice. Help me to remember to stop and listen for You today, and grant me the courage I need to step out in faith and follow Your instructions.

For Small Groups:
Share a strategy that you use in your classroom that helps students to listen and follow directions. Is there something we can learn from your strategy that would help us with our spiritual listening?

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Stamp On It!

Picture from:

This time of year, I often see Halloween decorations with spiders and their webs. Now, I can appreciate the role spiders play in eating other insects, but I really don’t like spiders. They give me the creeps. Their beady eyes, nasty fangs, and hairy bodies make me shiver. So you would think that my immediate reaction to seeing one in my house would be to kill it, right?

But it’s not. See, I really don’t like the feel and sound they make when you squish them. It completely grosses me out. That crunch-squish thing is so nasty! I just shuddered thinking about it.

I remember one day many years ago seeing a spider on the shower caddy while I was taking a shower. I could have taken one of the shampoo bottles and squashed it, but I just didn’t. Instead I spent the entire shower watching it to make sure it didn’t jump on me. (This got really tricky when it was time to turn around to rinse my hair!) I’m sure I would have been much better off if I had just put on my big girl panties and just gotten rid of that thing for good, but instead I spent the whole time in that shower in fear that it would end up on me. And then, the next time I showered I was nervous because I didn’t see it. Was it hiding somewhere watching me?

Several years ago I was bitten by a spider on the back of my calf. My leg became so swollen and red that it was painful to walk. When I got to the doctor, a red streak was working its way up to my knee. Some antibiotic was required to heal that up. One more reason I don’t like spiders!

I was thinking about spiders a lot one day as I walked because I kept walking through spider webs that would then stick to my face. Yuck! And then I started thinking about how spiders and sin in my life were similar.

Even though I do not want either one anywhere near me, I am hesitant to stamp them out. When it’s sin in my life, I am often uncomfortable getting rid of it completely. It has become a habit or a practice that I sometimes believe I am incapable of getting rid of. I make excuses about it, or I convince myself it’s not a big deal. And yet, its presence makes me miserable! But I don’t want to deal with the work and the mess of getting rid of it, either.

Paul writes about getting rid of sin in Colossians 3:5-10, saying:

“5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature:sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander,and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.”

Paul says we should put these things to death -- stamp them out -- squish them dead! Not “live with them creeping around in the corners”; not “keep an eye on them so they don’t jump on you.” Nope. Paul says, “Put them to death.”

If I allow sin to hang around, there will be consequences. It will eventually come back to bite me. Sometimes these consequences are very painful, like the spider bite I experienced. Most of all, the sin in my life creates a rift in my relationship with my holy God. Of course I don’t want that! But I often fail to see my sin as God sees it -- not only detrimental but offensive and ugly. Repulsive even.

I’m so thankful for God’s mercy and forgiveness that He pours out for me over and over! I know I don’t deserve it, but I appreciate how God disciplines in love and forgives my sin because of Jesus’ sacrifice for me and my faith in Him. I want to please Him. I want to obey Him. And sometimes that means taking a serious look at my thoughts, attitudes, and actions and then working with the Holy Spirit to allow Him to change me.

It’s not easy for me, but with the help of the Holy Spirit who convicts me of my sin and gives me power to overcome it, I can get rid of the sin in my life and put on the new self - the one that looks like Christ.

Lord Jesus, help us to be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit. Help us to recognize our sin and to see it as You see it. Give us the courage and desire to stamp it out of our lives. Guide and direct us, and help us to be more like You.

For Small Groups:
What is the hardest part of removing sin from your life?
How can someone else help hold you accountable this week?

Monday, October 22, 2018

What to Wear?

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:12-14
Image result for images selecting clothes
picture from
Parent Teacher Conferences are this week. I know those of you who are teachers have already spent many hours preparing for these meetings with parents. There is a lot of work involved in just getting papers organized but also thinking through topics that need to be discussed and how to approach parents with more difficult topics to cover.

But today I am convicted about another preparation that I know will take a good chunk of my time this week. I’m going to admit it. I will spend a ridiculous amount of time standing in front of my closet trying to decide what to wear. Anyone else? Just me?

I will struggle more so this week than usual, probably, which is saying something because I often struggle with this decision. Some days it takes forever to choose something that is appropriate for the changing weather. Some days I search for something comfortable--I admit there are days I try to choose an outfit that will look good with a particular pair of more comfortable shoes! Some days I long for something new or at least a different combination. Some days I just don’t even know what I’m looking for!

When I read this passage from Colossians, though, I am convicted about how much time I waste on choosing my physical wardrobe for the day when I should be spending that time putting on the best clothes for my heart and mind. Especially as I prepare for a busy week full of precious time meeting with parents!

Paul says our spiritual outfit should include compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love. I should be wearing this particular outfit every single day! How I treat others will be directly related to the attitude I have cultivated in my heart and mind, and I need to make a conscious effort to get my heart dressed up for my day.

I need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in me to see others’ needs and to get my own self-importance taken down a few notches until it’s in the right perspective. Then I can be compassionate to others throughout my day.

I need to remember how others have shown me kindness and gentleness and how that felt so that I can look for ways to do the same for someone else.

I need to wrap myself up in the memories of all the amazing things God has done for me so that I can be patient and forgiving and merciful to others like He has been to me.

And I need to put God’s love on top over everything else because if I go through my day with that powerful, amazing love in my heart, then I will treat others in ways to help them experience God’s love also.

So, I challenge you this week to spend more time carefully selecting the clothes you wear on your heart and mind, and think of these virtues Paul lists even as you stand in front of your closet and choose your physical clothes each day. I guarantee you will look beautiful to everyone you meet!

Heavenly Father, help us to take the time each day to work on our attitudes and perspectives so that we can wear these virtues and honor You. Help us to see others as You see them - precious and dearly loved. Guide us as we try to be more like You, and forgive us for all the times we have failed.

For Small Groups:
Which of the virtues that Paul lists is hardest for you? Which ones do you see in those in your group?

Monday, October 15, 2018

Berries and Apples

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited,provoking and envying each other. Galatians 5:22-26

There is a little tree on our school’s playground. It’s planted near the door where I enter and exit the building every single day. I have seen that tree grow over the last several years since it was planted. Honestly, it’s kind-of shrubby looking. A bit bushy almost. I‘ve never given it a whole lot of attention. It’s not really the prettiest tree. I’m not sure who planted it or how long it’s been there, but I know it has grown several feet over the years. I’ve walked by that tree for years and never even examined it closely or even thought about what kind of tree it is.

Until this summer, that is. I’m not sure when I first saw it, but one day this summer I suddenly noticed for the first time that it was bearing fruit! It’s an apple tree! I had no idea! I don’t have a lot of experience with apple trees. I’m sure other people at school had probably figured out that this was an apple tree long before I did. An expert would see the leaves, the bark, the shape of the tree and its branches even, and know that it was an apple tree. But not me. I didn’t know it until I saw the fruit.

When I mentioned it to a friend one day, she took me over and had me look closely at one particular branch. This branch was covered with fruit, too, but it wasn’t apples. It had some kind of red berries -- cherry-shaped, but smaller than cherries. She was puzzled by the fact that this tree seemed to be bearing two kinds of fruit, and so was I.

When I investigated further, it looked to me like this branch with the berries was not actually part of the apple tree. It was another plant that had grown up right next to it. That made more sense to me. You see, an apple tree cannot produce berries. It just can’t.

Tonight, I am thinking about how I compare myself to others. Sometimes I see the “fruit” that other teachers produce, and I think, “I really want to do that!” Some of my co-workers are absolutely fabulous at always keeping their cool when dealing with difficult students. Wish I was like that.

Some moms I know are at every single game or activity their child has. They never miss. Wish I could manage that.

Some teachers have lesson plans written for entire months at a time, copies made and ready to go weeks and weeks in advance. Wish I had tomorrow figured out!

Some teachers have classrooms that are decorated so cute and cozy and neat. It’s so inviting to step into their room. Wish mine was more like that.

I could go on and on. But here’s the thing: God has not made all of us to be apple trees. We are not going to produce the same fruit in the same way that anyone else produces. God has created each one of us as unique individuals with special talents and gifts. He made each of us just the way we are, and He has planned in advance good works for us to do. He expects all of us to produce fruit.

Galatians 5:22-23 lists the “fruit of the Spirit” - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. These are qualities that the Holy Spirit produces in every believer. But Paul also talks about spiritual gifts in many of his letters and explains that not every believer has the same gifts. In other words, God has not created us to produce all the same kind of fruit in the same ways. Instead, He created us to be part of a body of believers with Christ as the head, working together in many different ways to reach the world around us. More like a salad bar with lots of different fruits to offer!

So why do I feel like I should be producing the same fruit as those around me? Why do I want to see apples instead of berries? Why do I look at my own life and compare it to others like that? God has been teaching me that I should stop this habit. It is His Spirit within us that produces good fruit. It’s nothing we can do on our own anyway. God in His perfect wisdom created me just the way I am, and He is working in me and around me to complete His perfect plans. Paul wrote:
“4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” 
I Corinthians 12:4-6

So today I am trying to grow and develop so that He can produce fruit in me -- whatever fruit He has decided is best for me -- and to stop envying those around me for the fruit His is producing in their lives.

Lord Jesus, Help me to stop envying those around me. Help me to better understand the gifts You have given me so that I can grow and mature and the Holy Spirit can produce fruit in me and through me. Thank you for creating me the way I am and for fulfilling Your purposes in my life!

For small groups:
Take a minute to share with someone else in your group one of the gifts you see in him/her. (Examples: encourager, mercy/compassion, administration, spiritual teaching, wisdom, etc.)
How have you seen God use the others in your group for His kingdom?

Monday, October 8, 2018

God's Math

9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” John 6:9

Recently, I have seen several versions of these math puzzles posted. Have you seen them? Here’s one I found just now when I searched:

These puzzles frustrate me! For one, math is not my strongest subject area. (Yes, there is a reason I teach reading!) Second, they never post an answer with them, so how are you supposed to know when you get it right (or wrong)?! But, third, they are really designed to be tricky. Everything looks pretty simple until the last line, and if I don’t look carefully enough, I will mess it up. Notice here, for instance, that the waffle fry containers are doubled in line 3, but single in line 4.

But the multiplication sign is where I’ve noticed many people get thrown way off. See, if you add first, then multiply, you probably get 60, but if you multiply first (“please excuse my dear Aunt Sally” order of operations), you get 15. That multiplication sign makes a surprisingly big difference in your answer.

Sometimes math just really surprises me--especially God’s math! When Jesus noticed that there was a very large crowd gathered at suppertime, he asked his disciples, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” (John 6:5). Now, there was no Walmart Supercenter nearby--no drive thru windows, no pizza carry-out joints--they had nothing available to them to purchase food, even if they would have had the money (which they didn’t). Philip says that even if they had half a year’s wages, they’d be lucky to give each person a single bite to eat.

But Andrew brings a boy to Jesus who has two small loaves and five fish. This isn’t much, and Andrew knows it. So why did he even bring it to Jesus? He even voices his own doubts in verse 9 saying, “How far will they go among so many?

You probably remember the rest of the story. Jesus took the small amount, gave thanks for it, broke it into pieces, and had it distributed throughout the crowd. Not only did they have enough, but there were 12 baskets of leftovers.

Often, I feel like I have so very little to bring to Jesus. I even find myself thinking that my little bit could not possibly be enough, so why even bring it? In Matthew, Mark, and Luke’s accounts, the disciples tell Jesus to send the crowd away so they can find their own food and lodging. I admit, sometimes that is my attitude as well. I can’t possibly make a difference here, so they’ll have to go somewhere else. Money, talent, time--why bother when it is such a little bit in the face of so many needs and problems?

This story reminds me why: because God’s math is surprising. God’s math takes a tiny bit and multiplies it exponentially. Even if I have very little, if I am willing to give it up to God, He can make more of it than I ever dreamed possible. Subtract to multiply!?

I can’t do everything I wish I could do for my students at school. I don’t have the time, talent, or money to help my coworkers like I wish I could. But God doesn’t ask me to do the multiplication. All I have to do is the subtraction: give it up to Him and let Him do the rest.

Father God,
Help us to recognize the little bits that we have can become astonishing amounts in Your hands. Give us hearts willing to give up even our small offerings of time, talent, and money to be used to multiply Your kingdom. Thank You, Lord, for multiplying our gifts to You!

For Small Groups:
Share a way that something little done by someone else has made a HUGE difference in your life.
What is one little thing that you could give to God this week?

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Show and Tell

17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. James 2:17-18

Do you remember having “Show and Tell” time in kindergarten? I do! When it was my turn to bring in something to share, it was a big deal to me. Not just any old item would do. It had to be something special. We weren’t normally allowed to bring our toys to school, but if it was for “Show and Tell,” then that was different. You could tell your classmates about a special toy or object any day of the week, but bringing it to class so they could actually see it and touch it and pass it around -- that was what made “Show and Tell” significant.

When Jesus was on earth, He modeled this “Show and Tell” idea in His teaching. He did not just tell His disciples how they should think, believe, and act. He showed them through His own example. When His disciples needed to learn to be humble servants to each other, Jesus washed their feet. Can you imagine? The Lord of the universe took a towel, knelt down with a basin, took their filthy feet in His hands, and made them clean. He showed them what it looked like for the first to be last. John 13: 14-17 says:

14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Jesus didn’t dive into a 30 minute sermon with three alliterative and parallel points. Now, there are definitely other times when Jesus taught through a sermon or lecture format, but here he chose a different method. He showed them first, then He briefly explained what He had done and why. And they did not forget. This is just one example, but Jesus did this all day, every day with His disciples.  And when Jesus did lecture or preach, it still always matched what they saw Him doing.

When my students (or children at home) need a lesson to correct their behavior, though, I often launch into a lecture. I want to tell them what they should do. But do I show them? If I expect students to wait patiently for their turn to speak, shouldn’t I be showing them how to do that? If it’s important for them to be quiet in the hallway, should I not strive to be quiet in the hallway myself? If I want them to treat each other with kindness and grace, can they tell what that looks like by watching me?

And what about my coworkers and friends? Do they see that my actions match what I say I believe? I wish I could say that I did this well, but I am definitely a work in progress. We are not going to be perfect, of course, but I want others to see that I live out what I profess to believe.

James says that if we do not show our faith, then it isn’t really faith at all--it’s dead. In other words, we should strive to “Show and Tell” every single day.  Every day, I should live out my faith and act on my faith - not just talk about faith.

Heavenly Father, help us through Your Holy Spirit to be the examples You want us to be in our world. Change our hearts each day to make us more like You, and enable us through Your power to not only hear Your word, but to do Your word.

For small groups:
Share about a time when you learned a powerful lesson by watching someone else’s example.
Share one area where you find it difficult to “practice what you preach” so that others can pray for you specifically.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Find Some Shade!

5 The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:5-8

Saturday was officially the start of autumn, but the temperatures last week felt very, very much like summer. It has been hot. When the kids come back inside after recess with their red faces and their hair dripping wet, that wet dog smell permeates the air through the hallway.

In my current teaching position, I do not have recess duty. (They don’t let me out of the building!) But I have done a share of recess duty in the past. Our playgrounds do have some shade available. And some students seek it out on these sultry late summer days. But others just want to come up to the teachers and complain, “I’m hot!” My response to that was usually, “Why don’t you go play in the shade?”

I’ve been doing a lot of walking the last several weeks, and I try to avoid doing it in the heat of the day because along my walking route, there isn’t a whole lot of shade. When there is, I will shift my path to be in it. The shade is a cooler location. It gives some relief from the overbearing sun. But here’s the thing about shade: it doesn’t come to you; you have to go to the shade to enjoy those benefits.

Not long ago, as I was walking, I caught myself walking beside some shade -- not in it. Here I was dripping sweat, feeling a bit miserable, honestly, and yet I was so caught up in my own thoughts, in my own habits, that I missed the opportunity to enjoy the relief of the shade.

And when I realized that, I immediately had the thought, “I do this in my daily life, as well.” It's true. I don’t enjoy the shade because I don’t purposely go to it. I get worked up and stressed about all the things I need to accomplish in my day. I worry about my job, my family, my finances. I feel the strain of juggling practice schedules and games and lessons and church activities and appointments and meal planning and laundry and house cleaning.

I need to stop and move to the shade once in a while. I need to take all these burdens to the Lord and allow Him to put them back into the correct perspective. Psalm 121 tells me He is watching over all my coming and going, and He is my shade. I can go to Him for relief.

For me, that means spending some time each morning with my Bible and my journal, reading, listening, and praying. Some days it’s only 15 minutes, but that can make such a huge difference in my day! Not because my to-do list shrinks or my schedule clears of responsibilities, but because I often come away refreshed in knowing that God is in control. All these things that I get frazzled over, they are not life or death. In the grand scheme of eternity, they are usually frivolous. And even if they’re not, God often gently reminds me that He doesn’t need me to fix anything. He is handling it just fine. He is God -- all powerful, all knowing, perfect, wise, true, holy, just, loving, and more! And He’s got this. And He’s got me. And He delights in me so much that He invites me to come and sit in the shade with Him, cool off, and find relief from the heat of my life.

I think I often try to shoulder burdens that God never intended for me to carry. I am not responsible for the choices of other people. I am not able to be everything to everyone. I cannot possibly keep everyone in my life happy. If I am being obedient to those things I know God has asked me to do -- love Him with all my heart, mind, and soul; and love my neighbor as myself--then I can sit in His shade and allow Him to take care of the rest.

So today, I challenge you, my friend: Find some shade! Sit in it a minute or two and soak it up! God is watching over you. He loves you and loves spending time with you. Let Him take care of your burdens. Let Him take care of you.

Father God, thank You for being our shade, our relief from the stress and strain of busy lives. Thank You for being faithful and true. Help us to trust You more -- not only with life’s big problems, but with all the daily challenges, as well. Give us Your perspective to see things clearly and give us Your peace to help us through our week. Remind us to come to You and to enjoy the shade You provide for us.

For Small Groups:
What are some ways that you find some shade in your day?
Share something that is a burden you carry right now so that others can pray for you specifically.
How can we help each other to find some shade?

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Least of These

“And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’ Matthew 25:40 (HCSB)

A penny is not worth much these days, is it? It has the least value of all our currency. There isn’t anything I can think of that you can purchase for even a few pennies, let alone a single one. When someone drops a penny, and it rolls away, it is not uncommon for it to stay wherever it finally comes to a stop. Even if people notice a penny on the ground, most won’t stop to pick it up. It’s not worth the energy it would take to chase it down. It’s just a penny.

And yet, have you ever been one penny short at the checkout line? Suddenly, in that situation, that penny’s value seems increased! I had a check to cash recently. It was for the amount of $12.99. Although I wanted to cash the check, I didn’t really want ninety-nine cents of change to jangle around in my wallet! So, I searched for a penny to give the bank cashier with my check. On that day, I was very glad to have that extra penny with me. Even a penny - the least of our currency - does hold value if we have the right perspective.

In Matthew 25, Jesus was teaching about the coming kingdom of God. He told the parable of the ten virgins who were not all prepared with lamp oil when the bridegroom came. He told the parable of the talents about the servants who used their talents to gain an increase while their master was away. And then he tells the parable of the sheep and the goats. In this parable, he commends the “sheep” for good deeds done to Him -- they gave him food, drink, clothing, shelter, care during illness, and company when He was in prison. But these “sheep” were confused, asking when did they ever do those things for Him?

Jesus’ answer was our verse above: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.” He then reprimands the goats for not doing the same things.

There are many people whom our world labels “the least.” They are all around us every day. Those who live in poverty, who are uneducated, who struggle with addiction, who have made and continue to make poor choices in their lives. Those who suffer with mental illness, poor health, or disability. You can probably think of others, as well. They are outcast and ignored in many cases. And sometimes “the least of these” are the children who are living with adults in these situations. Children who are in our schools every day.

These who are considered “the least” by the world are still very valuable to God. Jesus said that when we serve these people, we are serving Him. And when we ignore them and their needs, it is as if we are ignoring Jesus Himself.

Ouch! I have to admit, I am sitting here evaluating my own responses to these situations, and I’m not getting an A+. I know there are many of you, however, who probably do this far better than I. You notice a need -- Johnny’s coat is too small; Susie’s shoes are worn out; Billy needs socks; Jane can’t seem to get enough to eat at lunch; a coworker is ill or lonely; etc. -- and you do something about it. That pleases God very much! Well done! Keep up the good work!

But I think I need a reminder to value and serve the least of these. So I’m going to keep a penny on my desk at school. Maybe if you see it when you come to my room, you can ask me how I’m doing in my efforts to remember to serve “the least of these.”

Father God, help us to be mindful of the needs of those around us. Help us to pay attention so that we can notice those needs. And help us to find ways to help those around us in a way that pleases You.

For small groups:
Share about a time when you were impacted by someone meeting a need for you.
Discuss ways to meet needs in your school or community together as a group.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Watch Your Thoughts

5 Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus, 6 who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage. 7 Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men. And when He had come as a man in His external form, 8 He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death—even to death on a cross. Philippians 4:5-8

What do you think about all day at school? I know that’s an impossible question, but don’t gloss over it. Mull it over a bit. It’s important. What we think about matters. Our attitude matters.

What goes through your mind when a coworker asks you to do something for him/her? What do you think when a parent contacts you asking for a week’s worth of homework in advance of their family vacation? How do you react when your student wants or needs extra attention? What do you tell yourself when you sit in a meeting during an overly busy week?

If I’m answering those questions honestly, I have to say I am ashamed of my responses.

A teacher in our middle school has a poster with this quote:
“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
(I think this quote is attributed to FRANK OUTLAW, Late President of the Bi-Lo Stores.)

Although this poster quote is not from the Bible, there is some truth here. James 1:14-15 has a similar idea: our thoughts become our actions. (James says our evil desires become sin and death.) And Paul encourages us to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

When Paul writes in Philippians 4:5, “Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus,” he implies something: We have control over our thoughts and our attitudes! We can make it something different, especially if we cooperate with the Holy Spirit working in us. And Paul says we should strive to make our thoughts and attitudes match those of Jesus. We should strive to have the attitude of a humble, obedient servant, always putting aside our own will in order to take up God’s will.

I don’t know about you, but that is not my natural tendency! The world teaches us that we have to put ourselves above others to get ahead, that we deserve to be treated well and rewarded when we do something for others, that our own interests come first. But is that the attitude of Christ?

Jesus gave up his position in heaven to become a humble man, to live and work here on earth, to obediently submit to the Father’s will - even to die a humiliating and painful death on a cross.

What am I giving up to minister to those around me? Is my attitude prideful and self-serving? Or is it an attitude of humility?

Lord Jesus, I want to have an attitude that mirrors Yours. I want to humbly put others’ needs before my own, but it isn’t easy for me. Holy Spirit, help me to notice when my attitude needs to change, and give me the desire and the knowledge I need to change it.

For small groups:
Share an area where you are struggling to have the attitude of Christ and ask others to help you find a Bible verse that speaks to that area. Write out that verse and place it where you will see it often. Pray for each other as you share.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 (NASB)

It would be interesting to me to know just how many decisions a teacher makes throughout one school day. I know it’s a large number. I’m not sure you could even actually count them all.

Some of these decisions are trivial, I know. Should I use the pink pen or the orange one to grade this stack? Should I drink that coffee I need even though my next chance for the bathroom will be lunch? Speaking of lunch, should I order the main entree that sounds tasty today, or should I order the healthier salad bar option?

Many of our decisions, though, are not trivial at all. Do I need to address this student’s behavior, or do I ignore it? How do I handle yet another interruption during the lesson? Is this gut feeling I have that my student is dealing with something big at home something I investigate? How do I help that student who is failing to be successful? Should I check on my co-worker now, even though I know it will probably take longer than my short plan time allows? Do I need to contact this parent today? It just doesn’t end . . . .

I need wisdom to handle all these decisions! I don’t know the best answers to many of the questions that arise during a school day, but God does. It is very reassuring to me that God is ready and willing to give me wisdom if I will only stop and ask for it.

When King Solomon took over the kingdom of Israel after his father, David, died, God came to him in a dream and told him to ask for whatever Solomon wanted God to give him. Solomon asked for wisdom in I Kings 3:7-9:

7 “Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. 8 Your servant is here among the people you have chosen,a great people, too numerous to count or number. 9 So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”

God was pleased with Solomon’s choice and granted his request. In fact, Solomon is still remembered today for his wisdom.

No, we are not ruling monarchs in charge of a large nation of God’s people, but we are responsible for making many decisions each day that affect those around us. And sometimes, I feel very much like Solomon when he said, “I do not know how to carry out my duties.” I want to please God, and I want to help those around me. But do I take the time to stop and pray for God’s wisdom? Do I stop and ask the Holy Spirit to guide me as I make decisions throughout my day? Do I listen carefully to hear His answers?

Father God, we don’t know everything our day will hold, but You do. We don’t always know how to make the best decisions during our day, but You do. We know You have promised to give us Your wisdom when we ask, so we are asking for it right now, Lord. Give us Your wisdom today that we might distinguish between right and wrong. Help us to listen carefully for Your guidance and to glorify You with each decision we make today and all of our tomorrows.

For small groups:
Share one situation or area in your life today where you need God’s wisdom. Partner up and pray for God to give your partner wisdom in his/her situation.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

By Name

2 The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. John 10:2-3 (NIV)

Have you ever been called by the wrong name? My older sister is just two years older than I am, and growing up, people often called me by her name. Even as adults, I still get called by her name occasionally. There are many times at school that students have trouble remembering my name. What teacher hasn’t been called, “Mom” or “Ms. ___(insert last year’s teacher)__”? Sometimes we answer to “Hey, Teacher!” Or maybe you’ve even been called “Grandma!” (Yes, it has happened to me!)

As a young person, it always felt like an insult to be called the wrong name. So as a teacher, when I do this to my students, I profusely apologize, because I feel so terrible about it.

There is just something very significant about being called by your name. At school, I work hard during the first few days of each school year to learn the students’ names. In my position, I work with students in every grade level from kindergarten to fifth grade. It’s a small school, but I put in a lot of effort to learn each student by name and to use it when I greet them in the hallway because I know that it makes students feel noticed and important.

I know most teachers and school workers try to learn the names of the students. One of our school custodians who has passed away modeled this for me. Jerry knew every student in the K-8 building and would purposely call them by name when he met a line in the hallway. I have another teacher friend who works with middle and high schoolers. She won’t let her students leave her room the first day until she can correctly call them by name. It sends a message when we care enough to learn their names-- that we know who they are, that they belong in our building or classroom, that they are important to us.

When I think about these verses from John 10 today, I am amazed by the idea that Jesus knows me by name. I am not just another person in the crowd to my Lord. He knows more than just my name, too. He knows me. Completely. More than I know myself! And this makes me feel loved and cared for, secure. It creates a sense of belonging to Him.

Jesus knows your name, too. He knows you inside and out--your thoughts, your feelings, the number of hairs on your head! And He loves us, just as we are. I don’t have to do anything spectacular to gain His attention so that He will take note of me. I don’t need a name tag for Him. I am His, and He knows my name.

Not only does He know my name, but He calls me by it. He speaks to me and directs me like a good shepherd. I have to learn His voice, just like a sheep learns the voice of its shepherd. That kind of recognition takes time and develops through my relationship with Him. And I am learning to be more attentive to His voice -- especially when He is calling my name. I don’t listen perfectly, but I’m trying, and He is very patient with me.

I want to encourage you today, as you work to learn your students’ names and use them each day at school, to also work to learn Jesus’ voice. Spend time reading the scripture and praying each day so that you can answer obediently when He calls you by name.

Father God, Thank you for being a God who seeks to have a relationship with us, for knowing us by name. Thank you for caring for us like a good shepherd. And I pray that each one reading this devotion will understand fully that You know them by name and that You love them more than they can imagine. Let that truth sink deep into our hearts today.

For small groups:

Share about a time when someone called you by the wrong name.
Share about a special nickname you have and how you got it.
Pray that God will help us learn our students names and how to connect with them this year, and also to recognize His voice when He calls our names so that we can be obedient to follow.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Ready or Not!

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.” I Peter 1:13

Are you ready for school to start? I never really know how to answer that question, but I hear it an awful lot this time of year. I often answer with, “Well, ready or not, here it comes!” Summer break for me is busy, but since it is so much more relaxed than the school year, I always hate to see it end. In the summer, I have more control over how I spend my time, and I miss that when it’s over.

But, at the same time, I love Back-to-School season! When my kids were babies, I stayed home for six years with them, and I can honestly say that every year when August rolled around, I genuinely missed being part of the Back-to-School frenzy. As a teacher, it is my favorite time of the year! Everything is new and fresh and the possibilities for the upcoming year have me re-charged and excited.

I think it’s fair to say that most teachers spend many, many hours preparing for the new school year. We do our best to be ready for the year. We prepare our classrooms by rearranging the furniture, decorating, organizing, and cleaning out. We prepare materials for our students. We prepare timelines to make sure we can cover all the curriculum we are asked to teach. We prepare new units and lessons and projects. But I feel like I often neglect to prepare in one vital area: do we prepare our hearts and minds for the spiritual battles to come?

Teaching is a wonderful profession, but it is very demanding in so many ways. The challenges faced in a single day at school can be overwhelming. As teachers, we deal with people all day long. Little people who push our buttons and try our patience and melt our hearts. Co-workers who sometimes need us, who sometimes oppose us, who have different personalities and perspectives and teaching styles. We deal with administrators who want us to be at our best at all times and who are also feeling that pressure from the school board and community. We deal with parents who want to help but are not equipped, parents who have serious challenges at home and at work and in their own families, parents who demand attention, and parents who avoid attention. There are papers to grade and tests to create and plans to make. There are last minute meetings and surprise announcements and assemblies no one told us about. And this is barely scratching the surface!

Are we ready for all that? How can we even begin to prepare for all that!? I want to be able to stay focused on God’s plan and His work in and around me during the school year. I want to always be obedient to the whisper of His voice asking me to step out and minister to those around me. This school year, I want to make a difference in my world for His kingdom and His glory, but with all of the challenges of teaching, I know I will get distracted. I need to “prepare my mind for action” as Peter wrote.

First, I need to pray. Mark 1: 35 says, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Jesus did this to prepare for ministry, and if He needed it, how much more do I?

Second, I need to enlist the help and support of other believers in my building. I need a community to hold me accountable, to pray for me and with me, to give Godly counsel, to share the burden. Hebrews 10: 24-25 says, “And let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some ar in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another -- and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

This is my challenge to you today: Prepare your heart and mind for the work God has planned for you this school year. Start each day with a few minutes of reading scripture and praying on your own, and connect with a small group to meet with each week for more prayer and support. Because, let’s be honest, whether we’re ready or not, the challenges are going to come. I know I would like to be as prepared as I possibly can be.

Father God, Thank you for each and every teacher who is reading this blog. I pray that you will help us to prepare our hearts and minds for this school year. Help us to make prayer time a non-negotiable priority each day. Help us to find other teachers who will pray with us and for us. Lord, our job can be really hard, but we want to serve You this year by serving those around us. Thank you for the students, families, and co-workers You will place in our lives this year. Show us how to minister to them. Fill our hearts with Your love for each one of them, and guide us as we try to show that love every single day.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

What's the Apple of Your Eye?

“Keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye” Proverbs 7:2

Welcome to my new blog! I am excited to start this new adventure this school year! I am so blessed to have a wonderful group of fellow Christian teachers in my building. A small group of us used to meet each week for a short devotion and prayer time. That became difficult for several in our group due to some life-changing circumstances, and so we did not have our meetings last school year. But I missed them, and I am hoping to start up again this year.

And instead of digging through various devotional booklets each week to find something appropriate to share, I’m going to attempt to write my own devotions each week that are relative to teachers. I know for me, keeping in God’s Word regularly is crucial. I need God’s truth to guide me and comfort me and teach me. I need to keep God’s Word as the apple of my eye. (And I’m guessing I’m not the only one!) Writing my own devotions will certainly help me to keep Bible study a priority!

My plan is to write and post a new devotion here each week, starting the week of August 20. My hope is that you can use them in a small group meeting in your school building, but you can also use them on your own. If you like them, share them with other teachers! You can type your email address into the “Follow By Email” box (top right) if you want to automatically receive an email each week when I post a new devotion.

There is also a box below for comments. Comments are always welcome! In fact, I need them to help keep me going. It can get discouraging to keep posting when you’re not even sure if anyone is reading, so even a short, simple comment is valuable to me. So please, please, please, leave me some comments now and then! (Yes, I'm begging!)

Know that I will be praying for you each week as I write a new post. I would love it if you’d do the same for me, please. (Do I need to beg some more?)

I have also included a “Contact Me” gadget at the bottom of the page. If you have prayer requests or questions or suggestions that you don’t want to be posted publicly, you can use this tool to contact me privately. I will do my best to respond quickly.

So start contacting some of your teacher friends and set a time and place to meet together each week, sign up to follow by email, and pray that God will use this to strengthen us and encourage us and to glorify Him!  See you back here next week . . .