Monday, October 15, 2018

Berries and Apples

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited,provoking and envying each other. Galatians 5:22-26

There is a little tree on our school’s playground. It’s planted near the door where I enter and exit the building every single day. I have seen that tree grow over the last several years since it was planted. Honestly, it’s kind-of shrubby looking. A bit bushy almost. I‘ve never given it a whole lot of attention. It’s not really the prettiest tree. I’m not sure who planted it or how long it’s been there, but I know it has grown several feet over the years. I’ve walked by that tree for years and never even examined it closely or even thought about what kind of tree it is.

Until this summer, that is. I’m not sure when I first saw it, but one day this summer I suddenly noticed for the first time that it was bearing fruit! It’s an apple tree! I had no idea! I don’t have a lot of experience with apple trees. I’m sure other people at school had probably figured out that this was an apple tree long before I did. An expert would see the leaves, the bark, the shape of the tree and its branches even, and know that it was an apple tree. But not me. I didn’t know it until I saw the fruit.

When I mentioned it to a friend one day, she took me over and had me look closely at one particular branch. This branch was covered with fruit, too, but it wasn’t apples. It had some kind of red berries -- cherry-shaped, but smaller than cherries. She was puzzled by the fact that this tree seemed to be bearing two kinds of fruit, and so was I.

When I investigated further, it looked to me like this branch with the berries was not actually part of the apple tree. It was another plant that had grown up right next to it. That made more sense to me. You see, an apple tree cannot produce berries. It just can’t.

Tonight, I am thinking about how I compare myself to others. Sometimes I see the “fruit” that other teachers produce, and I think, “I really want to do that!” Some of my co-workers are absolutely fabulous at always keeping their cool when dealing with difficult students. Wish I was like that.

Some moms I know are at every single game or activity their child has. They never miss. Wish I could manage that.

Some teachers have lesson plans written for entire months at a time, copies made and ready to go weeks and weeks in advance. Wish I had tomorrow figured out!

Some teachers have classrooms that are decorated so cute and cozy and neat. It’s so inviting to step into their room. Wish mine was more like that.

I could go on and on. But here’s the thing: God has not made all of us to be apple trees. We are not going to produce the same fruit in the same way that anyone else produces. God has created each one of us as unique individuals with special talents and gifts. He made each of us just the way we are, and He has planned in advance good works for us to do. He expects all of us to produce fruit.

Galatians 5:22-23 lists the “fruit of the Spirit” - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. These are qualities that the Holy Spirit produces in every believer. But Paul also talks about spiritual gifts in many of his letters and explains that not every believer has the same gifts. In other words, God has not created us to produce all the same kind of fruit in the same ways. Instead, He created us to be part of a body of believers with Christ as the head, working together in many different ways to reach the world around us. More like a salad bar with lots of different fruits to offer!

So why do I feel like I should be producing the same fruit as those around me? Why do I want to see apples instead of berries? Why do I look at my own life and compare it to others like that? God has been teaching me that I should stop this habit. It is His Spirit within us that produces good fruit. It’s nothing we can do on our own anyway. God in His perfect wisdom created me just the way I am, and He is working in me and around me to complete His perfect plans. Paul wrote:
“4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” 
I Corinthians 12:4-6

So today I am trying to grow and develop so that He can produce fruit in me -- whatever fruit He has decided is best for me -- and to stop envying those around me for the fruit His is producing in their lives.

Lord Jesus, Help me to stop envying those around me. Help me to better understand the gifts You have given me so that I can grow and mature and the Holy Spirit can produce fruit in me and through me. Thank you for creating me the way I am and for fulfilling Your purposes in my life!

For small groups:
Take a minute to share with someone else in your group one of the gifts you see in him/her. (Examples: encourager, mercy/compassion, administration, spiritual teaching, wisdom, etc.)
How have you seen God use the others in your group for His kingdom?

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