Monday, September 23, 2019

Vision Check

See the source image

Have you ever felt like God has had to hit you upside the head to get your attention?

I had an after-school teacher’s meeting that I was in charge of one day a couple years ago. For the meeting, I had taken some equipment from my own classroom to the meeting room, and afterwards I had to put it all back away.

I don’t know if any of you are like this, but I tend to move quickly and try to do things as efficiently as possible, especially at 4:45 when it’s time to go home. So, I was moving quickly around my room putting these different items back where they belong.

One of those items was my wireless router. I had to plug it into the network box, which was located right at the edge of my whiteboard, and also to the power strip which sat on the floor right beneath my board. I plugged it into the network box, no problem, and then very quickly leaned over to plug in the power cord.

It was at that point that my efficient and timely progress came to an abrupt halt. When I leaned over to plug in that cord, my forehead suddenly slammed into the aluminum tray sticking out from the bottom of the board. You know, the marker tray that holds a few tools that I literally pick up and set down over and over again every day!

After nearly knocking myself silly, I had a few thoughts in rapid succession. First, “OW! That really hurt!” Second, “Thank you, Lord, that no one else was here to see that because that was really dumb!” And third, “How in the world did I do that?” I mean, I could plainly see that tray there. I knew it was there. But in my rush, with my eyes solely focused on those three little holes in the power strip that I was aiming for, I failed to truly see the bigger picture of my surroundings. My focus was too narrow.

Unfortunately, I think I often have this same problem in my spiritual life. I am often focused only on my own little world -- my family and all our activities, my work, my to-do list, my bills, my problems, etc. I don’t often take the time to look around me for how and where God is working.

This week my Sunday School class studied a passage from 2 Kings chapter 6 where Elisha keeps informing the king of Israel about his enemy’s plans. When the enemy king figures out that it is Elisha who is sharing his secrets, the king hunts Elisha down to capture him. When Elisha’s servant wakes up and sees the enemy king’s army of chariots surrounding the city they are in, the servant panics in fear. Here is Elisha’s response:

16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

That speaks to my heart! God was there the whole time. He had a plan. He had resources - a whole army ready to respond and act on their behalf. But the servant couldn’t see them until Elisha prayed for God to reveal it to him.

How many times do I run around in a panic because I don’t see what God is doing? How often do I let fear and stress and anxiety rule in my heart because I am not even trying to see where God is working?

And do I regularly pray for God to open the eyes of those around me who are panicked and fearful because of their life circumstances? Am I ever the calm reassurance for someone that God is right there ready with His perfect plan?

I don’t know what’s going on in your life right now that has you full of fear and stress, but God does. I believe that our Sovereign, Almighty God has a plan for you and for me that does not involve running around in a panic or being paralyzed by fear or overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. He wants us to see Him, to hear His voice, and to trust His perfect love for us.

I know life is not easy on this earth. But I know that God has promised to be with us always. He is right here - even when we cannot see Him.

Lord, I pray for each and every one who is reading this post. I pray that they will be granted a glimpse of You today. Show them that You are with them. Show them that You are in control. Help us, Lord, to trust You more and more. Help us to pray for one another and to encourage one another. Open our eyes that we might see.

For small groups:
Do you have a story of a time when you saw God working?  Share it with your group!

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