Monday, September 2, 2019

Preferential Seating

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“Come near to God and He will come near to you.” James 4:8a
School is back in session! Welcome back!  

When I was a classroom teacher, I always allowed my students to choose their own desks when they came in with their families for Open House night. As my students came in, I told them to choose a desk, but that I would be moving everyone around very soon.

I don’t remember ever having a student say, “I think I should sit right up front where I can see and hear clearly and have fewer distractions so that I can experience optimal levels of learning.” Ha! Absolutely not! No, no, no. It was all about sitting beside their friends, or people whom they wanted to call friends.

However, being the wise teacher that I was, I knew almost immediately on the first day of school who should likely be separated from whom if there was going to be any learning occurring in the room! And the desks only stayed where they were for about the first two days. After that, I often spent many hours arranging and rearranging the student desks so that each student was in a good spot to be successful in our room.

As the school year progressed, I often had students who were supposed to always be given “preferential seating.” I was supposed to make sure that they were seated in a place in the classroom that helped them to be successful. Often that meant that they needed to be close to me as I was teaching so that I could prompt them to stay on task or explain directions or even just be heard more clearly.

In life, I often get to choose my seat. Sometimes I wonder if I make wise choices about where to sit. Who am I choosing to sit next to? Is it an arrangement that is working for me?

In Luke 10:38-41, we read the story of sisters Mary and Martha. When Jesus came to the home of these sisters, Martha was scurrying around doing all the work of hosting Jesus and his followers, and she became frustrated with her sister because Mary was not helping her. (Am I the only one that relates to her?) This is a familiar story, but when I read it recently, I was struck by the fact that Mary had chosen to sit and listen to Jesus. It wasn’t that Mary just happened to accidentally end up sitting by Jesus. It wasn’t that she was purposely trying to frustrate Martha or that she was avoiding the work Martha was trying to do. Mary recognized the importance of the opportunity she had been given to sit and learn from Jesus, and she took advantage of it.

Friends, Jesus would love for us to choose the seat right next to Him. He wants us to spend more time with Him.

As I think about the school year that has just begun, I know how easy it will be to allow myself to be distracted and pulled away by the many “preparations” that the job requires. I want to continue to make the decision to sit with Jesus each day, to soak up His love and His wisdom, to receive His joy and His peace, to know Him more intimately so I can recognize His voice and obey. I know that if I can commit to spending more time sitting with Jesus this year, not only will I benefit, but so will others around me.

Lord, help me to be more committed to making time to sit with you each day. Thank you for drawing close to us when we draw close to You.

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