Monday, November 25, 2019

Showing Gratitude

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3 I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. 4 Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. 5 I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. 2 Timothy 1: 3-5
Only a few more days until Thanksgiving! And only one more day of school this week -- for us, anyway!

Last week, the sweetest little note appeared taped onto the box that hangs outside my classroom. It is shaped like a leaf and says, “I am thankful for Mrs. Schroer.” Inside a student wrote a heartwarming little note saying he was thankful for the work I do with him and his classmates. That is so precious to me!

I have to admit: I am not very good at thanking other people for the impact they make on my life. I know I should. Sometimes I even think about words to say or people I want to thank. But more often than not, I fail to follow through. I’m ashamed of that. I have so many people in my life that are such a blessing to me, and I don’t take the time to thank them like I should.

These verses that Paul writes to Timothy remind me of how important it is to make sure I show my gratitude to the people in my life who constantly pour into me to help me grow personally and spiritually.

I was very blessed as a child to have parents who were very present in my life. Parents who love each other and loved us always. I had grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins that I got to spend time with regularly, and who actually spent time with me, too. I grew up with three siblings who teased constantly, but who were always supportive of their nerdy, book-loving, sings-all-the-time, laughs-way-too-loud sister. I am thankful for my family.

My mom made sure we went to church every Sunday and showed us what it looked like to serve - both in church and at home. She taught me the power of faith and prayer and the importance of knowing God’s Word.

At church, there were so many wonderful Sunday School teachers, G.A. leaders (girls mission group), youth leaders, Vacation Bible School workers, and more who gave their time each week to teach me the Bible and how to live it out.

As a student, I had countless wonderful teachers who took the time to encourage me and challenge me to do more and be more. Teachers who rarely (if ever) spoke in the classroom about their faith but made it obvious through the way they treated others.

My husband and children constantly amaze me with their grace and love toward me. I am so thankful for how God uses them to teach me about His love for me, and for how they push me to be better all the time.

My life is full of amazingly supportive coworkers who lift me up and challenge me to be a better teacher and follower of Christ. I have administrators who cheer us on and make sure we have what we need to be successful in our classrooms - even if that’s an extra jeans day now and then! I work in a school full of people who go above and beyond the basic job requirements each day, and I know I am so blessed to have that!

My church family, including our pastor and his wife, are a constant source of joy and blessing. They feed my soul and lift up my spirit over and over again. They help me apply the scripture to daily life and hold me accountable for living out my faith. They stretch me to serve in new ways and to give more generously of my time, talents, and money to further God’s kingdom.

Friends, can I challenge you to show your gratitude to someone this week who has made a difference in your life? You may never know the impact you might make with just a simple note, text, or call. Stop and make the effort this week to encourage someone by thanking them for impacting your life. God will turn it into a blessing for you, too.

Father God, thank You so much for blessing me with countless people who have helped me to know You better and to trust You more. Forgive me for taking for granted that they know how much I appreciate them. Help me to do a better job of thanking them - starting today!

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