Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Is It Enough?

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Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2

Now that we’re all staying home, I find myself at a bit of a loss. I am worried about all of my students who are not getting the reading lessons that I feel like they need. There really isn’t much I can do about the schools being closed, but am I doing enough to help my students?

I spent the first week and a half at home wondering what to do for my students. Should I try to contact families and see if any of them want to try to do remote learning lessons? I know that many of the families in our district do not have reliable high-speed internet that makes this kind of lesson possible. Should I offer it anyway? Will any of the parents be interested, or are they already overwhelmed with the school work they are trying to do each day? Is it fair to those who can’t do it to offer it to those who can?

I was talking to my parents about this dilemma. My dad basically said, “Seems like you should look at it like you are helping those that you can help.”

I know there are many teachers out there right now feeling down and discouraged because they can’t help every student in their class right now like they normally would. There are also parents out there who feel like they are not helping their own children enough with all the school work. There are probably many healthcare professionals with limited supplies who are feeling like they are not doing enough.

I feel like this verse from 1 Corinthians chapter 4 is a good reminder for me. It says that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. But it does not say that those who have been given a trust must produce results on their own!

I can contact my students’ parents. I can offer to help. I can share information about resources available to them right now. But I cannot force them to respond. I cannot make them take advantage of my offers of help. And no one else expects me to do more than offer what I can.

In our spiritual walk, it is the same. God calls us to be obedient to Him. He is very clear in the Bible about how we should treat others with love and compassion, how we should humbly serve and pray for others, how we should share truths from His word, how we should seek Him above all else, and more. We are expected to be obedient in all the things He has taught us through His word. But we are not responsible for any specific outcome of that obedience.

We can share the truth, but if people reject the truth, we have still been faithful. We are to be faithful with what we have been given, faithful to do what we can do. We do not have to conjure up gifts we have not been given. We do not have to create any effect by our own efforts. We are expected to obediently do what we can and to trust God to create the results in His perfect ways and His perfect timing.

Let me encourage you tonight, friends. Be faithful with what you’ve been given, do what you can do, and trust God to take care of the rest.

Father God, we are discouraged because of our current situation. We feel unable to do the things we would normally do to help others around us. Help us to be creative in finding new ways to serve others, but help us to trust You more to take care of the results. Help us to be faithful. Lead and guide us so that we clearly understand what we can and should do to be obedient to You. Thank You for the opportunities You give us to be faithful and to see You work in ways we never dreamed possible. Give us a glimpse of that this week, Lord. Help us to see You at work all around us. May You receive glory and honor and praise for all You do!

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