Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Peace in Uncharted Waters

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7

I didn’t write anything last week to post here. There has been so much going on in our world due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, and it has thrown me, honestly. There are more questions than answers. Suddenly, we are all staying home in an effort to contain this virus. Although I do love to be at home, it is not our normal routine. It has been shocking and completely unexpected.

And it is quiet here at home. Right now my kids are still in bed, so I am the only one up. I hear my clock ticking. I hear the birds chirping outside. The clicking keys of my keyboard seem very loud!

But in my mind, it is not quiet. My mind is a raucous cacophony of questions and worries and whiny complaints, of unsettled fears and even anger. Although there is definitely concern about the illness and whom it might affect in my life, I am not as worried about getting ill as I am about the effects of this period of social distancing. I worry about our finances; I worry about my kids missing school for an extended time; I worry about my students not getting the instruction I want to be giving them. I am saddened and even angry, at times, by the thoughts of all the canceled activities and events that my kids can’t participate in. As a mom of a senior in high school, those thoughts hit me really hard sometimes. This is not how his senior year was supposed to go.

My school administrators keep saying that we are in "uncharted waters."  And I think we all feel like that. There are so many unknowns that it overwhelms me. How long will this last? How will I teach my students from home if this continues? Will there be enough groceries when I next go to the store? Will someone I love become seriously ill?

I’ve been trying to get out and walk every day, which is difficult with all the rain this week. But due to all that rain, the ditches and little brooks along my walk are full of running water. And in the quiet of my solitary walks, I listen to its bubbling and rushing. I watch it as it flows along. It’s a peaceful sound to me, a calming sight. It’s a reminder that there are seasons when the water rushes, but other seasons where the water slows. It makes me think of the shushing sounds I have always made to calm my crying children. “Shhh. It’s ok. You’re alright. I’m here. I’ve got you. Shhh.”

And I need the reminder that God is still here. The Lord is near. And He is still in control. He is bigger than all of this. He is the unmoveable rock in the middle of the rushing water. He is not shaken or surprised by anything. He is at work even when I can’t see what He is doing. He has a plan, and His good and perfect will always prevails.

And because I know these things with certainty, I have His peace. Yes, I may experience difficulties. Struggles and challenges will come along in this life -- maybe even in this season right now. But He is with me always, and I don’t need to be anxious. I don’t need to be afraid. And when those feelings rise up and swamp my mind, I can go to Him. I can fill my mind with thoughts of His love and His power instead of my fears, and He will give me peace.

I pray that you know Him like this, that you, too, can turn to the Lord and find His peace. If you read the next few verses in Philippians 4, Paul tells us to fill our minds with truth, with thoughts that are pure and good. That’s how I battle against the fear that the enemy tries to plant in my mind -- a mind filled with God’s truth and goodness leaves no room for fear. But I have to intentionally fill my mind with pure and noble and praiseworthy thoughts. These are the truths that bring me peace. I pray that you know that peace today, too.

Father God, we need You. We need Your presence and Your stability. We have peace because of Your faithfulness. We know that You are in control even in the midst of so many uncertainties. Help us to fill our minds with Your truth and turn over all our anxieties to You. Thank you for giving us Your peace. We pray that You will be merciful and heal and sustain our nation and our communities and that You will bring solutions quickly to end the spread of this virus. And in the meantime, help us to trust You and to be faithful to the work You have called us to do -- that we would be a light in the darkness and use each opportunity to fill the world with Your love

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